
Looking for a way to get involved with children in your community? Help them learn how to code games, animations and websites and most importantly, to have fun!

Get involved, robot wearing code club shirt

The Basics

  • No previous knowledge of coding needed!

  • Facilitate, or co-facilitate, coding worlds workshops for kids 8 to 12 years old within a local Code Club venue (virtual or online dependent on Clubs)

  • About one hour per week commitment during 6 to 8 weeks

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“Running a code club and seeing the light bulbs come on as children have fun coding is a really rewarding activity – it’ll make you remember why you love coding yourself!”

Why volunteer?

  • You will play an important role in helping children develop skills that will not only help them learn how to code, but also in the development of computational thinking, problem solving, planning, design, and collaboration.

  • If you are starting to learn how to code, joining a Code Club will be a fun way to practice your coding skills while also supporting your community.

What do you need to volunteer?

  • Be available for one hour a week during 6 to 8 weeks to facilitate, or support the facilitation, of Code Club workshops either:

    • Within an existing Code Club running at a local school, library or a community venue

    • Starting your own Code Club, for example in partnership with a youth-serving organization in your area.

  • Have time to prepare for the Code Club workshops. This may include organizing, printing resources and completing the project you will be doing with the children in advance.

  • Motivation to learn! You don’t have to be a coding genius, most clubs start with simple programs like Scratch, but you need to be willing to learn the projects taught at each Code Club workshop.

  • Complete RaspberryPi’s Safeguarding Module and coordinate with the Code Club venue to complete any other required safeguarding training in order to work safely with children.

Please note: Code Club does NOT cover any expenses incurred while volunteering.

Steps to follow to become a Code Club Volunteer

  1. Find and contact clubs near you to inquire for their volunteer needs.

  2. If there is no active Code Club looking for volunteers near you, you can still get involved:

    • Talk about the Code Club initiative to youth-serving organizations (school, libraries, community centers) in your area to discuss the possibility of starting a Club together!

    • Why don't you start your own Code Club? Contact us to schedule an information session to learn more about this option.

  3. Complete RaspberryPi’s Safeguarding Module and coordinate with the Code Club venue to complete any other required safeguarding training in order to work safely with children.

  4. Coordinate with the Code Club leader to agree on workshop dates and projects that are proposed to the kids.

  5. Get ready by preparing yourself through our free online tutorials and other available online resources on codeclub.ca.

  6. Attend your first Code Club session, and beyond!

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Find a Venue

Check here for a venue in your area looking for a volunteer. Please add city, province and “Canada” (for example: Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
